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Evidence: Environment

The documents listed below are those that the Council has published as being relevant to the preparation of the local plan, in accordance with Regulation 17(e) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) England Regulations 2012.

Documents that were published after the Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan was published and at/before the Addendum of Focused Changes consultation are indicated with an asterisk*.

Those published at submission to provide a full record of processes are indicated with a double asterisk**.

Those published after submission are indicated with a triple asterisk ***.

Documents: click to download

Green Infrastructure - General

MBC/GI1a.Agricultural Quality of Land in Melton Borough, Land Research Associates, 2005


MBC/GI1b. Map 1: Agricultural Land Classification Around Melton Mowbray, Land Research Associates, 2005


MBC/GI1c. Map 2: Interpretation of Agricultural Land Quality in Melton Borough, Land Research Associates, 2005


MBC/GI1d. Map 3: Location of the Survey Observations around Melton Mowbray, Land Research Associates, 2005


MBC/GI2a. The 6Cs Green Infrastructure Strategy Executive Summary, Chris Blandford Associates, 2010


MBC/GI2b. The 6Cs Green Infrastructure Strategy Volume 1 Sub-regional Strategic Framework, Chris Blandford Associates, 2010


MBC/GI2c.The 6 Cs Green Infrastructure Strategy Volume 2 Action Plan,  Chris Blandford Associates, 2010


MBC/GI2d. The 6Cs Green Infrastructure Strategy Volume 3 Baseline Information Review and Strategic GI Audit, Chris Blandford Associates, 2010


MBC/GI2e. The 6Cs Green Infrastructure Strategy Volume 5 Strategic Green Infrastructure Network for the Leicester Principal Urban Area and Sub-regional Centres, Chris Blandford Associates, 2010


MBC/GI3. A Green Infrastructure Strategy for Melton Borough, TEP, 2011 


Open Space


MBC/OS1. Melton Open Space Study Open Space Assessment Report, KKP, 2014


MBC/OS2. Melton Open Space Study Standards Paper, KKP, 2015

Sport and Recreation Facilities


MBC/SR1a.Melton Playing Pitch Strategy Assessment Report, KKP, 2014


MBC/SR1b. Melton Playing Pitch Strategy, KKP, 2014


*MBC/SR2a. Sports Facilities Strategy 2016-2021, MBC, July 2017


*MBC-SR2b Appendix 1 National Context, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2c Appendix 2a Quality Assessment Waterfield, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2d Appendix 2b Quality Assessment Brooksby, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2e Appendix 2c Quality Assessment Asfordby Acres, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2f Appendix 2d Quality Assessment Belvoir School, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2g Appendix 2e Quality Assessment John Ferneley, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2h Appendix 2f Longfield Academy, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2i Appendix 2g Melton Sports Village, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2j Appendix 2h Melton n District Indoor Bowls Club,MBC,2017


*MBC-SR2k Appendix 3 NGB Responses, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2l Appendix 4 Sports Clubs' survey responses_4g, MBC,2017


*MBC-SR2m Appendix 5 Melton Primary School Consultees, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2n Appendix 6 Parish Council Survey Summary, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2o Appendix 7 Parish Council Consultees, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2p APP 8 Swimming Pools National Report, MBC 2017


*MBC-SR2q APPENDIX 9 Sports Halls National Report, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2r App 10 Melton Facility Audit HEALTH AND FITNESS,MBC,2017


*MBC-SR2s App 10 Melton Facility Audit INDOOR BOWLS, MBC,2017


*MBC-SR2t App10 Melton Facility Audit SPORTS HALL, MBC,2017


*MBC-SR2u App 10 Melton Facility Audit SWIMMING POOLS, MBC,2017


*MBC-SR2v App 10 Melton Facility Audit TENNIS COURTS, MBC,2017


*MBC-SR2w Appendix 10 Melton Facility Audit, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2x Appendix 11 Market Segmentation Profiles, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2y Appendix 12 Demand for Health and Fitness 2017, MBC,2017


*MBC-SR2z Appendix 13 Demand for Health and Fitness 2021, MBC,2017


*MBC-SR2za Appendix 14 Responses for Primary Schools, MBC, 2017


*MBC-SR2zb App 15 Examples of Community Hall Programmes,MBC,2017


Biodiversity and Geodiversity


MBC/BG1a.Melton Borough Biodiversity and Geodiversity Study, WYG October 2016 (Incl. Executive Summary)

MBC/BG1b. Melton Borough Biodiversity and Geodiversity Study Appendices, WYG October 2016

MBC-BG1b Appendix A SUE A1-A8, WYG, 2015


MBC-BG1c Appendix A SUE B1-B8, WYG, 2015


MBC-BG1d Appendix A SUE C1-C8, WYG, 2015


MBC-BG1e Appendix B SHLAA Plans B1-B15, WYG, 2015


MBC-BG1f Appendix B SHLAA Plans B16-B33, WYG, 2015


MBC-BG1g Appendix B SHLAA Plans C1-C11, WYG, 2015


MBC-BG1h Appendix B C3 Asfordby Hill Map, WYG,2015


MBC-BG1i App I Figure Site Survey A12-A28,WYG,2016


MBC-BG1j App I Figure Site Survey B12-B32,WYG,2016


MBC-BG1k App I Figure Site Survey B33-B78,WYG,2016


MBC-BG1l App I Figure Site Survey C12-C28,WYG,2016

Landscape Character and Heritage

MBC/LC1a. Melton Borough Landscape and Historic Urban Character Assessment Report, ADAS, 2006


MBC/LC1b. Melton Landscape Character Assessment Update, ADAS, 2011


MBC/LC2. Melton and Rushcliffe Landscape Sensitivity Study: Wind Energy Development, LUC, 2014

(Please note: MBC/LC3a is split into 3 parts, A to C due to size of file)

MBC/LC3a. Melton Borough Areas of Separation, Settlement Fringe Sensitivity and Local Green Space Study Final Report and Appendices, Influence, 2015 (Incl. Executive Summary) - PART A


MBC/LC3a. Melton Borough Areas of Separation, Settlement Fringe Sensitivity and Local Green Space Study Final Report and Appendices, Influence, 2015 (Incl. Executive Summary) - PART B

MBC/LC3a. Melton Borough Areas of Separation, Settlement Fringe Sensitivity and Local Green Space Study Final Report and Appendices, Influence, 2015 (Incl. Executive Summary) - PART C

MBC/LC3b. Melton Borough Areas of Separation, Settlement Fringe Sensitivity and Local Green Space Study Annexe to Final Report and Appendices, Influence, 2015


MBC/LC3c. Melton Borough Areas of Separation, Settlement Fringe Sensitivity and Local Green Space Study Part 2, Influence, August 2016 (Incl. Executive Summary)


Flood Risk


MBC/FR1a Melton Borough Council Level 1 and 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, JBA Consulting, 2015 (Incl. Executive Summary)


MBC/FR1b Melton Borough Council Level 1 and 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Appendices, JBA Consulting, 2015 

Appendix A: Detailed Site Summary Tables - Normanton

Appendix A: Detailed Site Summary Tables - Welby

Appendix B.1: Melton Borough watercourses - North

Appendix B.2: Melton Borough watercourses - South


Appendix C: Flood Zone Maps


Appendix D: Climate Change Maps


Appendix E: WPD Classification of Watercourses


Appendix F: Surface Water Maps


Appendix G: Ground Water Maps


Appendix H: Flood Warning Maps


MBC/FR1c Melton Borough Council Level 1 and 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Addendum Report, JBA Consulting, September 2016

MBC/FR1d Melton Borough Council Level 1 and 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Addendum Report Appendices, JBA Consulting, September 2016:


Appendix A: Climate Change


Appendix B: Detailed Site Summary Tables


*MBC/FR2a. Melton Local Plan Sequential Test of the Flood Risk of Potential Development Sites, MBC, June 2017


*MBC/FR2b. Melton Local Plan Sequential Test of the Flood Risk of Potential Development Sites: Appendices, MBC, June 2017


Climate Change and Carbon Reduction


MBC/CC1a. Planning for Climate Change: Assessment of Development Options, IT Power, 2008


MBC/CC1b. Planning for Climate Change: Energy Efficiency Recommendations for New Developments, IT Power, 2008


MBC/CC1c. Planning for Climate Change: Renewable Energy Opportunities for Blaby, Harborough, Hinckley & Bosworth, Melton, North West Leicestershire, Oadby & Wigston and Rutland. IT Power, 2008


MBC/CC1d. Planning for Climate Change: Executive Summary, IT Power, 2008

MBC/CC1e. Planning for Climate Change: Annexes, IT Power 2008


MBC-CC1e Annex 2-Wind resource maps, IT Power,2008


MBC-CC1f Annex 2a - Coventry Airport, IT Power, 2008


MBC-CC1g Annex 3 - Wind Sites maps, IT Power, 2008


MBC-CC1h Annex 5 - Hydro Sites maps, IT Power, 2008


MBC-CC1i Annex 8 - Woodland Areas maps, IT Power, 2008

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