Statement of Community Involvement (2023)
The 2023 Statement of Community Involvement was adopted by Council in March 2023. This update supersedes the 2019 version of the Statement of Community Involvement. Its adoption was preceded by a public consultation from the 13th of October 2022 until the 10th of November 2022. All the relevant documents can be found below:
Statement of Community Involvement 2023 (hosted in external website)
Consultation responses (hosted in external website)
Council decision (hosted in external website)
Background information
A Statement of Community Involvement is a document that local authorities are required to produce which sets out how the community can be involved in the preparation of planning policy documents and how they can have their say on planning applications. It states who the Council will consult and engage with, when and how, for each of the planning functions it performs.
The Melton Statement of Community Involvement provides clarity on the extent of community involvement that will take place, as the Council fulfils its range of its planning functions. It sets out the key standards we will aim to achieve when involving the community throughout the preparation of planning policy documents. It also describes how we will involve the community when we consider planning applications, and how we will engage with communities preparing Neighbourhood Plans.
Further information, or advice, can be obtained by phoning 01664 502502 or by emailing planningpolicy@melton.gov.uk