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Sustainable Neighbourhoods 2018 Plan Evidence

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Relevant To Both Sustainable Neighbourhoods


Available on

MBC/WP5. Revised Local Plan and Community Infrastructure Levy Viability Study, Cushman & Wakefield, May 2017 (including Appendices 1-8)

MBC/SS5. The Melton Alternative Large Scale Development Sites Assessment Report, Melton Borough Council, 2015

MBC/SS6. Melton Local Plan Sustainable Neighbourhoods Topic Paper, MBC, September 2016


MBC/HS3 – The SHLAA sites that fall within or potentially will impact on the North and South Sustainable Neighbourhood allocations are below. The full documents can be viewed with the following database MBC/HS3b. Melton SHLAA Database final, Nov 2016:

  • MBC/030/13 Hilltop Farm, Nottingham Road 22.26ha for c. 750 dwellings

  • MBC/031/13 at Horseguards Way, 3.75ha for c. 138 dwellings

  • MBC/033/13 Land off Nottingham Road, now being built out by Davidsons App refs 14/00078/OUT and 16/00259/REM and 17/00711/REM

  • MBC/034/13 is the Richborough land off Scalford Rd

  • MBC/035/13 is the Gladman site off Leicester Road

  • MBC/036/13 is Barwood land east of Scalford Rd

  • MBC/038/13 is LCC land at Nottingham Rd

  • MBC/049/13 is Spreckleys to the east of A606 upto Saxby Rd (not allocated in the plan), 85ha, c. 2500 dwellings

  • MBC/058/13 is the combined LCC, (part of) Richborough and Davidsons sites

  • MBC/060/13 is land north of Melton (156ha)

  • MBC/061/13 Appears to be Lomas land  130ha, 3900 dwellings

  • MBC/062/13 is the Leicester Road employment allocation

  • MBC/063/13 is Gladman site, and MBC/064/13 is Taylor Wimpey off Melton spinney Road MBC/114/13  Appears to be William Davis land off Scalford Road

  • MBC/127/13 is part of the Davidsons land in the south

  • MBC/128/13 is most of the SSN

  • MBC/129/13 is Davidsons land between Melton and Burton Lazars

  • MBC/151/15 is north of the Country Park

  • MBC/153/15 is Jeld-Wen at Snow Hill

  • MBC/154/15 is various chunks of land around Thorpe Arnold

  • MBC/157/15 is land around Lake Terrace (not particularly close to the SSN, but may have an impact)

  • MBC/158/15 Danny Carey land – On a confidential basis, Truframe have indicated they want to move on to this site from their current site.


For analysis of above sites see also;


MBC/SS5. The Melton Alternative Large Scale Development Sites Assessment Report, Melton Borough Council, 2015

MBC/HA1a. Melton Mowbray: Update to Site Assessments, Part 1 of 3, MBC, May 2017 (Updated from 2015)

MBC/TCR1a. Melton Retail Study 2015 pp 56-59

MBC/GI1a.Agricultural Quality of Land in Melton Borough, Land Research Associates, 2005

MBC/GI1b. Map 1: Agricultural Land Classification Around Melton Mowbray, Land Research Associates, 2005

MBC/GI2a. The 6Cs Green Infrastructure Strategy Executive Summary, Chris Blandford Associates, 2010

MBC/GI3. A Green Infrastructure Strategy for Melton Borough, TEP, 2011 

MBC/OS1. Melton Open Space Study Open Space Assessment Report, KKP, 2014
MBC/OS2. Melton Open Space Study Standards Paper, KKP, 2015

MBC/SR1a.Melton Playing Pitch Strategy Assessment Report, KKP, 2014
MBC/SR1b. Melton Playing Pitch Strategy, KKP, 2014

MBC/BG1a.Melton Borough Biodiversity and Geodiversity Study, WYG October 2016 (Incl. Executive Summary)
MBC-BG1b Appendix A SUE A1-A8, WYG, 2015
MBC-BG1c Appendix A SUE B1-B8, WYG, 2015
MBC-BG1d Appendix A SUE C1-C8, WYG, 2015
MBC/LC1b. Melton Landscape Character Assessment Update, ADAS, 201

MBC/LC3a. Melton Borough Areas of Separation, Settlement Fringe Sensitivity and Local Green Space Study Final Report and Appendices, Influence, 2015 (Incl. Executive Summary) - PART A


Flood Risk

MBC/FR1a Melton Borough Council Level 1 and 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, JBA Consulting, 2015 (Incl. Executive Summary)

MBC/FR1b Melton Borough Council Level 1 and 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Appendices, JBA Consulting, 2015 

Appendix B.1: Melton Borough watercourses - North

Appendix B.2: Melton Borough watercourses - South
Appendix C: Flood Zone Maps
Appendix D: Climate Change Maps
Appendix E: WPD Classification of Watercourses
Appendix F: Surface Water Maps
Appendix G: Ground Water Maps
Appendix H: Flood Warning Maps

MBC/FR1c Melton Borough Council Level 1 and 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Addendum Report, JBA Consulting, September 2016

MBC/INF1. Melton Borough Council Infrastructure Delivery Plan, Arup, March 2017


Other relevant MMDR relevant related studies include:


See also the list of documents regarding the MMDR that are available here: Managing Delivery

The planning application for the north and east MMDR can be viewed on the LCC website at: using the reference number 2018/Reg3Ma/0182/LCC


Available on 

MLP Examination Inspectors Report, Sept 2018


5YHLS & housing trajectory report (May 2019) - as amended by erratum note (June 2019)

Erratum note (June 2019)

Whole trajectory spreadsheet - as amended by erratum note (June 2019)​​

Available on

To be provided to the consultant on award of contract

Details of schools affected by the proposals

Relevant To Melton North Sustainable Neighbourhood


Available on


Available on 

SCG4 - MBC, LCC and the Melton North Consortium

M4 - 9 - MBC - SS5 - MBC response to GVA suggestions (Updated 20/02/2018)


Available on

GVA for North Melton Consortium


Melton North Action Group


Available on

North Melton SN

  • Leicestershire County Council: 18/00359/OUT (pending consideration), land to east of Nottingham Road, 290 dwellings, access only

  • Richborough Estates: 18/00769/OUT (pending consideration), land north of John Ferneley College / west of Scalford Road, 400 dwellings, access only

  • Taylor Wimpey: 14/00808/OUT, permitted with S106, up to 200 dwellings, land to west of Melton Spinney Road

  • Davidsons, Nottingham Road: 14/00078/OUT (permitted), 85 dwellings. Subsequent applications 16/00259/REM, 17/00711/REM, 17/01581/REM (including numerous discharges of conditions). Being built out now


Other relevant developments

Relevant To Melton South Sustainable Neighbourhood

Available on

*MBC/SS8 Land south of Kirby Lane, Melton Mowbray: Heritage Settings Technical Note, Cotswold Archaeology, February 2017

MBC/EL2. Melton Employment Land Study Final Report (including Appendices), BE Group, 2015


Available on

M4 - 1 - Greenlight Development in respect of land at Melton South

M4 - 2 - Melton South MoU

M4 - 3 - Melton South Masterplan

M4 - 4 - Melton South Indicative Framework

M4 - 5 - Melton South Planning Application Red Line Boundary

M4 - 6 - Melton South Employment Areas


Available on

Andrew Grainger & Co for the Lomas Family

Burton & Dalby Parish Council

Historic England

Pegasus Group for Davidsons Developments Ltd

Janet Simpson (MBC Cllr)


Available on


South Melton SN

  • Gladman (land between Kirby Lane and Leicester Road):  17/00717/VAC (pending consideration) & 15/00910/OUT (permitted), 520 dwellings. The Reserved matters are under pre-app at the moment between Barratt and Bellway

  • Davidsons (land to the west of A606 Burton Road, stretching just to the west of Dalby Road B6047): 16/00515/OUT (pending consideration)  1500 dwellings, all matters reserved

  • Davidsons (land to the west of A606 Burton Road): 15/00127/OUT, pending consideration, access only – this is likely to be resurrected due to the delay in dealing with 16/00515/OUT

Both SN's
North SN
South SN
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