7. Retail & Town Centre
The indicators used in this chapter seek to give an insight about how some of the Economic Growth Policies, in particular, those related to the retail use, are performing and the trends these are following. The Policies related to this chapter are:
EC5. Melton Mowbray Town Centre
EC6. Primary Shopping Frontages
EC7. Retail Development in the Borugh
EC8. Sustainable tourism
7.1. Town Centre uses & vacant units (Source: MBC)
Target: Reduce the percentage of vacant units in the Town Centre through the Plan Period in comparison to the levels in 2011 (7.7%)
Performance 1. 4.5% of vacant units in the Town Centre in 2015/16
Performance 2. 7.5% of vacant units in the Town Centre in 2016/17
Next update: Middle 2018
This information is provided yearly (on April) to the Town Centre manager at Melton Borough Council. Then the information is analysed by the AMR officer in order to provide these percentages. The baseline was established on 2011 (7.7% of vacant units) as the first year of the Local Plan period. There is no reason to set this target at the end of the period or any other midway milestone. The starting point (2011) and the consecutive years can be viewed under the 'Time Series' heading.
Uncertain. Insufficient data to determine a clear trend.
Time series:
Slightly positive Latest year data is below the target.
Additional Information
The number of vacant units is representative of long term shopping habits, rather than short term changes. An increasing level of vacant units can lead to a downward spiral, as more and more potential customers are put off visiting the town centre, whilst very low vacant unit levels demonstrate a thriving high street.
Summary of performance:
Time series:
Percentage of vacant units in Melton Mowbray Town Centre. 2011/12 has been used as the benchmark.
7.2. Town Centre Class Uses (Source: MBC)
Target: Maintain the balance of town centre class uses in comparison to 2011, these are: A1 (50%), A2 (15%), A3 (9%), A4 (4%), A5 (3%), D1 (5%), D2 (2%), SG (2%). A total of 90% town centre uses.
Performance 1. 48%A1, 14%A2, 10%A3, 3%A4, 2%A5, 3%D1, 2%D2, 6%SG. A total of 88% town centre uses in 2015/16.
Performance 2. 48%A1, 14%A2, 9%A3, 3%A4, 2%A5, 3%D1, 2%D2, 5%SG. A total of 86% town centre uses in 2016/17.
Next update: Middle 2018
This information is provided yearly (on April) to the Town Centre manager at Melton Borough Council. Then the information is analysed by the AMR officer in order to provide these percentages. The baseline was established on 2011 as the first year of the Local Plan period. There is no reason to set this target at the end of the period or any other midway milestone. Example of non town centre uses are industries, offices, warehouses (B uses) or residential. If the amount of residential use is increased in the Town Centre, this is not necessarily detrimental as it can help to support ships and services and ensure life and activity in the Town Centre out of opening hours.
Slightly positive. The are not critical changes in any of the town centre uses split in comparison to the 2011 data. The reduction on the final percentage of town centre uses is explained with the increase of vacant units (see 7.1.) and not a notable increase on the B (B1, B2 and B8) and C (C1 and C2) uses.
Summary of performance:
Positive performance. In 2017 a reasonable balance of class use and shop type within the town centre has been maintained as required by the target.
Time series:
Different land uses in Melton Mowbray Town centre since 2011.
Additional Information
A wide variety of shops and a large range of services on offer within a town centre is important for a town to remain competitive and continue to attract customers. Sustaining a balance between the different aspects of buying and selling goods and services ensures that the local population, as well as visitors to the Borough, can spend time and money there, keeping the generated wealth of the town within the local economy.
7.3. Percentage of tourists & visitors (Source: MBC)
Target: To maintain or enhance the 2011 numbers of tourists (19%) and visitors (35%) to the town centre.
Performance 1. 17% tourists and 41% visitors in 2014.
Performance 2. 18% tourists and 42% visitors in 2015.
Next update: End 2018
This information is retrieved on annual basis by the Economic development team at the Melton Borough Council via a survey (Shoppers Survey). The survey provides the percentages of Locals, Tourists and Visitors shopping in Melton Mowbray Town Centre. Those shoppers that have more than a 30 minutes drive to Melton Mowbray are considered tourists. Visitors are those who live within a Post Code less than a 30 minute drive away. The baseline was established as 2011 as the first year of the Local Plan period. There is no reason to set this target at the end of the period or any other midway milestone.
Slightly positive. The overall percentage of tourists and visitors has increased quite significantly in the past 5 years. While the percentage of tourists is stable (however, coming from a positive trend since 2013 when it was 15%) the percentage of visitors has increased a 7%.
Summary of performance:
Positive performance. The total percentage has been enhanced from the 2011 records, in particular the percentage related to the number of visitors.
Time series:
Annual percentage of visitors, tourists and locals shopping in Melton Mowbray town centre since 2011.
Additional Information
This information can be used to analyse how attractive the town is to visitors and tourists. A high or increasing level of tourists would indicate that the town is increasingly attractive to tourists and visitors, and hosts a thriving town centre, a key objective of the policy EC8.