9. Environment
The indicators used in this chapter seek to give an insight about how some of the Borough's Environment policies are performing and the trend these are following. The following policies are related to this chapter:
EN1. Landscape
EN2. Biodiversity and Geodiversity
EN3. The Melton Green Infrastructure Network
EN4. Areas of Separation
EN5. Local Green Space
EN6. Settlement Character
EN7. Open Space, Sport and Recreation
EN8. Climate Change
EN9. Ensuring Energy Efficient and Low Carbon Development
EN10. Energy Generation from Renewable Sources
EN11. Minimising the Risk of Flooding
EN12. Sustainable Drainage Systems
EN13. Heritage Assets
9.1. Biodiversity assets (Source: Natural England/DEFRA)
Target: No net reduction on the number of biodiversity assets across the Borough (321 LWSs, 16 SSSIs and 9 LGSs)*
Performance 1. 2016 as the baseline.
Performance 2. 231 LWSs, 16 SSSIs and 9 LGSs in 2017
Next update: Late 2018
An annual update is provided by LRERC (Leicestershire & Rutland Records Centre) with information related to these assets (information from Natural England/DEFRA). So far, the numbers of assets in the area have been obtained using a GIS.
Slightly positive. The figures in the 2016 baseline are the same in 2017.
Summary of performance:
Uncertain. Monitoring is in an early stage to give conclusions as the target period (2011-2036) hasn't concluded yet.
* Where LWS is a Local Wildlife Site, SSSI a Site of Special Scientific Interest and LGS a Local Geological Site.
9.2. Heritage assets (Source: Historic England)
Target: No net reduction in the number of historic assets across the Borough (702 LBs, 2 HPGs, 35 SAMs, 45 CAs) and no net increase on the number of HARs (6).*
Performance 1. 2016 as the baseline.
Performance 2. 6 HARs, 702LBs, 2 HPGs, 35 SAMs and 45 CAs in 2017.
Next update: Late 2018
A review of the information provided by Historic England related to these assets will be done every year. In addition to this, any modification is reported to the MBC Conservation officer who forwards the updates to the relevant AMR officer.
Slightly positive. The figures in the 2016 baseline are the same in 2017.
Summary of performance:
Uncertain. MBC is in an early stage to give conclusions as the target period (2011-2036) hasn't concluded yet.
* Where HAR is a Heritage Asset at Risk, LB a Listed Building, HPG a Historic Park and Garden, SAM a Scheduled Ancient Monument and CA a Conservation Area.
9.3. Other environment impacts (Source: MBC)
Target: Large-scale committee decisions (+25 dwellings) in accordance to the policy.
Performance 1. No data available. 2017 as a baseline.
Next update: Late 2018
A deep review of the approved committee planning decisions will be done every year for those developments over 25 dwellings. Those decisions contrary or potentially contrary to a policy on the Local Plan will be analysed by the AMR and the case officers and included into this report where appropiate.
None as 2017 will be established as the baseline.
Summary of performance:
Uncertain. Monitoring is in an early stage to give conclusions as no significant portion of the target period (2011-2036) has concluded yet.
Additional Information
Most of the policies in this chapter cannot be measured in the same way that the remaining indicators stated in this AMR (quantitative). The objectives on this chapter are focused on protection of the environment, and not, as in other chapters, getting the required figures to meet the target (i.e. number of houses built). Therefore, we need to ensure through the Development Management process, that all the planning applications have given enough weight to these policies in order to reach a final decision, especially on those that have been approved.