6. Employment
The indicators used in this chapter seek to give an insight about how some of the Economic Growth Policies, in particular, those related to the employment land use, are performing and the trends these are following. The Policies related to this chapter are:
EC1. Employment Growth in Melton Mowbray
EC2. Employment Growth in the Rural Area
EC3. Existing Employment Sites
EC4. Other Employment and Mixed-use proposals
6.1. Hectares of employment land developed (Source: MBC)
Target: 50.75ha of employment land (B1, B2 and B8) developed by 2036.
Performance 1. 12.13 ha developed by 2017.
Next update: Middle 2018
Those live approved planning applications that involve any modification in the B1, B2 and B8 uses are included in the list of sites visited on an annual basis by the MBC officers. Then the information about the completions is added up for the different uses giving a gross and a net figure. The net figure is used in this report.
Slightly positive. Whilst the overall target is to 2036, if an arithmetic portion is taken into account for the 2011-2017 period (12.18ha), we can see that the provision so far (12.13ha) is on target.
Summary of performance:
On target. The lead in times associated with bringing forward larger employment areas may prevent the continued achievement of the target in the short-medium term.
Time series:
Time series:

Employment completions since 2011 divided by land use and the total number of hectares completed so far.
Additional Information
The overall employment land delivered by 2017 is split as follows: 5.14ha B1 use (including B1a, B1b and B1c), 5.34ha B2 use and 1.65ha B8 use.
The requirement established in this indicator, shows the overall provision that needs to be achieved by 2036. This includes the provision from allocated sites in the Melton Local Plan (31.24ha).
6.2. Hectares of employment land developed (allocated sites) (Source: MBC)
Target: 31.24ha developed by 2036.
Performance 1. 0ha developed by 2017.
Next update: Middle 2018
The information is retrieved in the same way as that 6.1 and involves the engagement between developers of the site and the Council.
None. No employment land has been delivered yet, however this is an early stage on the Local Plan to analyse the tendency for this target. A different value was not expected when analyzing this indicator at this stage of the Local Plan.
Summary of performance:
Uncertain. Little weight can be given to the amount of employment land developed so far as most of it is expected to be delivered late in the process (for allocated sites).
Additional Information
The Melton Local Plan has established the following targets in relation to the provision of employment land through allocated sites. By 2036, to deliver:
20ha off Leicester Road as part of the SSN.
10ha within Asfordby Business Park.
1ha of B1(a) office space within or adjacent Melton Mowbray town.
It is most likely that the employment land located off Leicester Road and the employment land within the Asfordby Business Park are going to be delivered at a late stage of the Local Plan period alongside the residential development of the Sustainable Neighbourhoods.