5. Housing
The indicators used in this chapter seek to give an insight about how some of the Housing Policies in the Local Plan are performing and the trend these are following. The following policies are related to this chapter:
C1(a). Housing Allocations
C1(b). Reserve Sites
C2. Housing Mix
C3. National Space Standard and Smaller Dwellings
C4. Affordable Housing Provision
C5. Affordable Housing Provision through Rural Exception Sites
C6. Gypsies and Travellers
C7. Rural Services
C8. Self Build and Custom Build Housing
C9. Healthy Communities
SS1. Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development
SS2. Development Strategy
SS6. Alternative Development Strategies and Local Plan Review
5.1. Cumulative Residential Completions (source: MBC)
Target: To build 2450 dwellings from 2011 to 2021 (245 dwellings per year x 10 years since 2011)/ 6125 dwellings built in 2036.
Performance 1. 492 dwellings built by 2016. 282 dwellings per year required to be built to meet the 2036 target.
Performance 2. 639 dwellings built by 2017. 289 dwellings per year required to be built to meet the 2036 target.
Next update: May 2018
The data related to the number of dwellings built per year is currently collected on an annual basis by the Melton Borough Council officers. The figures come from two different sources: the Building Control records and site visits on live planning applications involving residential development. This includes new dwellings, changes of use, conversions, demolitions and temporary dwellings. The target has been established by multiplying the annual requirement by the number of years since the beginning of the Local Plan period (2011) to this first milestone in 2021. Any shortfall is translated into a higher annual requirement in the following years as shown in the 'Performance 1' and 'Performance 2' values above.
Slightly negative. The annual gap has increased; however, the number of annual completions is similar to the ones in 2016. The first stage of the local plan tends to be harder in terms of housing delivery and this is translated in this information.
Summary of performance:
Uncertain. MBC is in an early stage to give conclusions as the first target period (2011-2021) hasn't concluded yet.

Cumulative residential completions and annual residential completions since 2011.
Time series:
5.2. Five Year Supply of Housing Land (source: MBC)
Target: Flat target of (at least) 5 years.
Performance 1. 7.7 years by May 2017. 7 years by December 2017 (lapse rates applied).
Next update: Middle 2018
The information related to the 5 Year Housing Land Supply and Housing Trajectory is retrieved by the Melton Borough Council officers. It is strongly linked to the previous indicator. In addition it involves frequent conversations between the officers and landowners, agents and developers of the allocated sites giving an accurate idea of the status of the proposals.
Slightly positive. The 5 Year Housing Land Supply target is currently being met. The estimate of completions and trajectory by 2018 gives an even more positive prospect of 8.5 years.
Summary of performance:
Positive. MBC is performing well regarding this indicator in a short term basis, however, this mark should be maintained during the whole Local Plan period.
Additional Information
The approach taken is to use the Liverpool approach in setting out the five year land supply requirements, spreading the shortfall of delivery between 2011 and 2017 over the remainder of the plan period along with a 20% buffer, moving this requirement from later in the plan period to the first five years. This approach is aspirational for Melton and plans for a step change in the delivery of new dwellings in the Borough. It builds up to then exceeds the rate of housing delivery achieved in 2008/09 when the housing market was most recently buoyant. The sites identified in the supply have all been assessed for availability, suitability, sustainability and deliverability and provide for 7.7 years of housing land supply. An update to this position statement will be prepared alongside the plan at examination stage and will include further information on each of the specific sites identified.
The 5 year housing land supply and trajectory (May2017) can be checked here.
December 2017
Justifying the variant of 'Liverpool' approach: The Liverpool approach is normally adopted in circumstances where the supply of land for housing in a district depends to a substantial extent on the delivery of substantial and complex sites, so that development is pushed back later into the plan period. In other words, the Liverpool approach can be deployed to introduce a degree of realism into strategies designed to boost significantly the supply of housing where the market is unable for various reasons to respond quickly and flexibility enough to what would be a sudden jump in housing delivery if the Sedgefield method were to be employed.
In Melton Borough, the Council is proposing to bring forward two very large and complex sustainable neighbourhoods. Although these will begin to deliver new housing fairly quickly, they will nonetheless represent the mainstay of supply over the whole of the plan period, and beyond. In the short to medium term, whilst delivery from the sustainable neighbourhoods increases, the Council's strategy is therefore planning to bring forward a range of smaller sites in sustainable rural villages to secure an immediate boosts to the number of new houses that are built in the Borough; it is that accounts for the variation from the Liverpool Approach.
The 5 year housing land supply and trajectory (December 2017) can be checked here.
5.3. Housing distribution completions (source: MBC)
Target: 65% of residential completions in Melton Mowbray Town and 35% in the remaining of the Borough by 2036.
Performance 1. 46% of completions in Melton Mowbray in 2016
Performance 2. 45% of completions in Melton Mowbray in 2017
Next update: May 2018
The officers from MBC obtain information about where the developments are at the same time they do the monitoring work related to the completions (See 5.1.). This indicator is based on the percentage of the total number of dwellings built.
There is a significant upward trend towards achieving the planned spatial split target, but the SNs need to come on line to achieve it over the longer term.
Summary of performance:
Uncertain. We are in an early stage to give too much weight to he current performance due the likely late deliverability of the Sustainable Neighbourhoods.
Time series:

Housing distribution in Melton Mowbray and the rural area.
5.4. Affordable Homes completions (source: MBC)
Target: Completions of affordable homes according to the Affordable Houses trajectory (see AH trajectory)
Performance 1. 2017/18 as a benchmark
Next update: May 2018
Completions on sites with Affordable Homes are checked via site visits and the engagement of developers with the Housing Policy Officer from MBC. The officer then updates the completions and compares them with the expected numbers.
Steady. There is not enough information to have an idea of the potential trend at this stage.
Summary of performance:
Uncertain. MBC is in an early stage to give conclusions.
AH trajectory:

Affordable Homes trajectory split by value areas according to the C4 policy.
Additional Information
The Housing Needs Study sets a need for the Borough of 70 affordable homes per year. Policy C4 sets a final target of circa 1300 new affordable homes (approximately 75% of the need) by 2036. The AH trajectory (see above) takes into account the allocations trajectory in order to provide an estimation.
5.5. Housing Mix (source: MBC)
Target: To provide an appropriated tenure, type and size mix of housing to meet the needs of the Borough
Performance 1. 2017/18 as a benchmark
Next update: Middle 2018
Completions on sites with Affordable Homes are checked via site visits and the engagement of developers with the Housing Policy Officer from MBC. The officer then updates the completions and type, tenure and size information and compares them with the expected numbers.
Steady. There is not enough information to have an idea of the potential trend at this stage.
Summary of performance:
Uncertain. MBC is in an early stage to give conclusions.
Housing Mix Requirement:

Housing Mix Requirements for market and affordable housing.
Additional Information
The C2 Policy establishes the following criteria regarding the mix of affordable homes:
Tenure mix: a split of 80% rented and 20% intermediate
Type mix: There is a need for a range of types of dwellings (e.g. houses, bungalows, flats....)
Size mix: As per the table above (section 'Housing Mix Requirements' above).
5.6. Gypsies and Travellers. Pitches completions (source: MBC)
Target: 3 permanent pitches (2 by 2021 and 1 by 2026) built.
Performance 1. planning permissions granted for five permanent pitches in 2016.
Performance 2. implementation of all the pitches in 2017
Next update: Middle 2018
This information is retrieved thanks to the involvement of the Development Control officers in the provision of the G&T pitches. A site visit is required to check the status of the development.
Positive. The number of pitches needed for the whole Plan period already benefited from planning permission in 2016 and were implemented in 2017. It is very likely the requirement for 2021 is going to be met.
Summary of performance:
Uncertain. Monitoring is in an early stage to give robust conclusions.
5.7. Deliverability of Housing Allocations (source: MBC)
Target: Delivering progress in accordance with the planed housing trajectory.
Performance 1. 20 sites with planning permission; 3 of those are under construction (updated on March 2017) out of 54 Housing Allocations and 6 Reserve Sites identified in the submitted Melton Local Plan.
Next update: Middle 2018
In order to check the status of the planning application linked to the Housing Allocations and Reserve Sites the data is collected by the officers in the same way it is retrieved for other planning applications. Once the application is approved, the MBC officers include the site in their annual monitoring site visits. In addition to this engagement with landowners and developers enables the Council to update its records on a more frequent basis. A summary of the progress and specific information about particular Allocations/Reserve Sites can be found under the heading 'Additional Information' below.
Slightly positive. The Plan is not adopted yet but there is progress on the Housing Allocations. The deliver rates will improve in the next year what it is expected to have more sites under construction.
Summary of performance:
Slightly positive. Those sites that were likely to start delivering in 2017/18 as stated in the trajectory have done so with the exception of WAL2. No unforeseen circumstances at this stage.
Summary of progress:

Updated status of the housing allocations, including the number of planning permissions granted and the development progress on the sites.
Additional Information
N/S (Non started but permission granted)
U/C (Under Construction)
B (Built)
The dates reflect when the record was updated and not when the development has changed the status (i.e. from N/S to U/C or from U/C to B).
Melton Mowbray
MEL1. 85 units. 14/00078/OUT. U/C (10/2017).
MEL2. 120 units. 13/00877/OUT. N/S (03/2017)
MEL3. 45 units. 17/00281/OUT (30 units). N/S (03/2017)
MEL4. 26 units.
MEL5. 16 units.
MEL6. 37 units.
MEL7. 16 units.
MEL8. 11 units.
MEL9. 20 units.
MEL10. 70 units.
MEL11 (Reserve Site). 240 units.
ASF1. 100 units. 14/00980/OUT. N/S (03/2017)
ASF2. 60 units.
BOT1. 41 units.
BOT2. 65 units.
BOT3. 163 units.
BOT4. 55 units. 17/00641/OUT (88 units). N/S (03/2017)
Croxton Kerrial
CROX1. 35 units. 17/00299/OUT (39 units). N/S (03/2017)
CROX2. 10 units.
CROX3. 11 units.
HAR1. 15 units. 15/00942/OUT. N/S (03/2017)
HAR2. 10 units. 15/00933/FUL. U/C (03/2017).
HAR3. 53 units. 15/00673/OUT. N/S (03/2017)
HAR4. 61 units.
HAR5 (Reserve Site). 13 units.
HOS1. 42 units. 15/00944/OUT (25 units). N/S (03/2017). 17/00401/OUT (16 units). N/S (03/2017)
HOS2. 35 units.
Long Clawson
LONG1. 10 units. 15/00547/OUT. N/S (03/2017)
LONG2. 26 units.
LONG3. 41 units.
LONG4. 55 units.
LONG5 (Reserve Site). 40 units.
Old Dalby
OLD1. 28 units. 16/00184/OUT. N/S (03/2017)
OLD2 (Reserve Site). 23 units.
SOM1. 27 units.
SOM2. 42 units.
SOM3 (Reserve Site). 33 units.
STAT1. 65 units.
STAT2. 17 units.
STAT3 (Reserve Site). 45 units.
Waltham on the Wolds
WAL1. 26 units. 14/00777/FUL. N/S (03/2017)
WAL2. 106 units. 15/01011/OUT (45 units). N/S (03/2017). 16/00847/OUT (60 units) N/S (03/2017)
WAL3 (Reserve Site). 168 units.
WYM1. 12 units. 15/00832/OUT. N/S (03/2017)
WYM2. 21 units.
WYM3. 22 units.
Ab Kettleby
ABK1. 10 units.
Asfordby Hill
ASFH1. 40 units. 15/00201/FUL (15 units). U/C (03/2017).
ASFH2. 47 units.
EAST1. 9 units. 15/01016/OUT. N/S (03/2017)
EAST2. 12 units.
Frisby on the Wreake
FRIS1. 48 units. 16/00491/OUT. N/S (03/2017)
FRIS2. 22 units.
FRIS3. 48 units. 16/00704/OUT. N/S (03/2017)
GADD1. 14 units. 15/00361/OUT. N/S (03/2017)
GADD2. 11 units.
GADD3. 11 units.
Great Dalby
GREA1. 37 units.
SCAL1. 23 units.
Thorpe Arnold
THOR1. 13 units.
THOR2. 11 units.
The May 2017 trajectory can be checked here.
The December 2017 trajectory can be checked here.