Responses to the Main Modification Consultation
Index List
Main Modifications
MMR1 Stewart Patience - Anglian Water
MMR2 Geoff Platts - Environment Agency
MMR3 Emilie Carr - Historic England
MMR5 Rob Foers - Leicester City Council
MMR6 Geoff Brown - Charnwood BC
MMR7 Caolan Gaffney - Natural England
MMR8 Ray Ranns - Croxton Kerrial and Branston Parish Council
MMR9 Steve Beard - Sport England
MMR10 Frances Cunningham - Network Rail
MMR11 Scarlett Griffiths - Highways England
MMR12 Melanie - Coal Authority
MMR13 Ian Dickinson - Canal and River Trust
MMR14 Ray Kilsby - W.R. Davidge - Mr D and Mrs L Henson
MMR16 Ben Williams - GVA - Jelson Ltd
MMR17 Adrian Kerrison - AMK Group
MMR18 Mike Downes - Aspbury Planning - Barratt Homes North Midlands
MMR19 Phil Bamford - Gladman Developments Ltd
MMR25 Rob Hughes - Hughes Planning - Three Peaks Investments and First Provincial Properties Ltd
MMR26 A.Yarwood - DGLG Planning - National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups
MMR27 Guy Longley - Pegasus Planning - Davidsons Developments
MMR28 Guy Longley - Pegasus Planning - Wilson Enterprises Limited
MMR29 Phil Rawle - Greenlight Developments - Lomas Family and agents Andrew Granger & Co.
MMR30 Michele Jones - Burton and Dalby Parish Council
MMR31 Liz Crowther/Phillip Tilyard - Clawson, Hose and Hraby Parish Council
MMR32 Bob Bayman - Bottesford Parish Council and Bottesford Neighborhood Plan Steering Group
MMR33 Jo Allthorpe - Marrons Planning - Davidsons
MMR35 Sue Green - Home Builders Federation
MMR36 Nigel Harris - Boyer Planning - Bellway Homes East Midlands
MMR38 Chris Jesson - Planning and Design Group Ltd - JGP Properties
MMR39 Laurence Holmes - GVA - Leicestershire County Council and Richborough Estates
Additional Modifications
AMR1 Melanie Lindsley - Coal Authority
AMR2 Geoff Platts - Environment Agency
AMR3 Ray Kilsby - WR Davidge - Mr D and Mrs L Henson
AMR4 Ray Ranns - Croxton Kerrial and Branston Parish Council
AMR5 Ben Williams - GVA - Jelson Ltd
Policies Map Changes
PMCR1 Melanie Lindsley - Coal Authority
PMCR2 Joanna Althorpe - Davidsons Developments
PMCR3 Geoff Platts - Environment Agency
PMCR4 Ben Williams - GVA - Jelson Ltd
Main Modifications
MMR8 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J
MMR35 A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H
Additional Modifications
Policies Map Changes