Neighbourhood Development Plans - Somerby
Status of the Somerby Neighbourhood Plan: Neighbourhood Plan 'made'.
Referendum version of the Neighbourhood Plan (adopted version)
Somerby Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum Version
Interactive policies webpage and map
Other documents
Neighbourhood Plan 'made'
Supporting Documents
4. Leicestershire Rural Economy Evidence Base (Rose Regeneration 2014)
5. East Leicestershire Rural Workspace Demand Study (S4W Ltd 2014)
7. Tree Preservation Orders
Maps and Figures
Figure 11.1 Ridge and Furrow 'Turning the Plough' 1999. Map Key
Figure 14 Landscape Character Areas (National and Melton Borough Council)
Regulation 16 Consultation - Consultation Responses
Regulation 16 Consultation
Supporting Documents
4. Leicestershire Rural Economy Evidence Base (Rose Regeneration 2014)
5. East Leicestershire Rural Workspace Demand Study (S4W Ltd 2014)
7. Tree Preservation Orders
Maps and Figures
Regulation 14 Consultation
Draft Neighbourhood Plan (linked to the NDP website)
Parish Contact Details
Parish Clerk: Kathryn Staley
Tel: 01664 454529