Neighbourhood Development Plans - Clawson, Hose and Harby
The Plan has been made. Please see the Regulation 19 notice here.
Please also see the Reasons Report here.
The Clawson, Hose & Harby Neighbourhood Plan was successfully examined and had a successful Referendum. As such it is now part of the Development Plan and is being used to decide planning applications within the Parish.
The Plan and supporting documentation can be viewed by clicking on the links to the right. Should you have any questions relating to content of the plan, please contact the group directly, should you have any questions on process or Neighbourhood Planning in general, please contact Melton Borough Council.
Clawson, Hose & Harby PC formally submitted the plan to Melton Borough Council on the 18th July, 2017. The Council conducted a ‘Regulation 16’ 6-week formal public consultation on the Plan, lasting from the 20th July 2017, until 30th August 2017.
Melton Borough Council formally appointed independent Examiner Andrew Ashcroft to examine this plan.. He is independent of both Melton Borough Council, and the Parish and had no interests in any land that was affected by the Neighbourhood Plan. The Examination of this Neighbourhood Plan began in September, 2017. He submitted his final report on the 1st November, 2017.
Prior to this, the group have already gone through statutory six week consultations for Regulation 14 and to designate the Neighbourhood Plan area, the latter running from 12th October 2015 and the 25th November 2015. No representations were received on the application. Clawson, Hose and Harby received its area designation on 18th January 2016.
A Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee was formed in spring 2016 with representatives from each village. Following a parish consultation in June to identify keys issues and community feedback, smaller theme groups have been set up to work on data gathering and options for:
The location and design of housing development
Environmental and open space matters
Retention of key services and employment opportunities for economic growth
Community facilities
Plan & supporting documents

Next steps
Subject to successful independent examination of the plan, it should be finalised and adopted by early 2018.
Get in touch
If you would like to get in touch with us directly or opt in to receive relevant updates about the local plan then contact us:
Parish Contact details
The contact for Clawson, Hose and Harby Parish Council and Neighbourhood
planning is:
Parish Clerk: Claire Buckle
Tel: 01949 861452
Email: clerk@chhparishcouncil.co.uk
Website: http://www.chhparishcouncil.co.uk/