Brian P Hall
I have been away and just found this did not go last week as I expected, please can you acknowledge that it will be included although it was late to which I apologise
I am writing to support the above. The plan has taken a lot of time and research as well as community participation to achieve the document produced.
The NPPF defines the core planning principles and says that they should be plan led, so empowering the local community to shape their own surroundings.
The HEDNA housing requirements are significantly lower than the MBC original figures. The Neighbourhood plan has used the lower numbers to shape where housing stock can be placed within the village. It is my understanding that the planning committee are going to determine Long Clawson applications before the NP has been officially recognised.
The NP is a great piece of work that I commend to you as a fully supported view of what Clawson, Harby and Hose people want for the future. Please don't waste all the time effort and resources put in by residents and officials by ignoring our NP going forward

Chris Larson
Comments on the Clawson Hose and Harby Neighbourhood Plan
Throughout the course of the past two years the Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Group have taken considerable care to elicit the views of residents and stakeholders, following a very comprehensive consultation process. It has equally taken account of the NPPF guidance, the emerging Melton Local Plan, as well as professional reports from technical specialists in ecology, environment, heritage, housing, hydrology and traffic. This has produced a well thought out Plan that clearly reflects the community’s and stakeholder’s wishes for the Parish, showing how the three villages should develop over the next 20 - 30 years. I am impressed at how the Plan has captured the individual uniqueness of the three villages, their shared ancient heritage, and the desire to grow sustainably, without compromising the community spirit, heritage and ecological aspects, and the beauty of the open green spaces.
The allocation of housing sites is a key issue for the community and I’m pleased to note that the Neighbourhood Plan sets out its allocation based on the most recent HEDNA housing requirements, which are 30% less than those shown by Melton Borough Council in its Local Plan. I support this reduced allocation and note however, that the Parish Council has stated how, if Melton Borough Council insist on sticking to its original housing figures, that these might be met.
The selection of sites put forward in the Neighbourhood Plan I support. These are based on rigorous consultation, assessment of sustainability and local knowledge of infrastructure issues and heritage. The result is a reflection of the communities view.
I therefore totally support the Clawson Hose and Harby Neighbourhood Plan.

Melanie Steadman
I am in agreement with the policies set out within the above plan. I do not, however, agree with the allocation of housing numbers in Long Clawson as this has been proven by a Sustainability Appraisal to be an unsustainable location. The sustainability issues are also highlighted within the Neighbourhood Plan.
If Clawson, Hose and Harby are to be classed, as one parish as was the case in the Neighbourhood Plan, then I feel that the allocation of the three villages should also be put together instead of separate allocations as the three villages are inter-dependent on one another.

Diane Orson
The production of the NP has been a well thought out and consulted document that I feel clearly represents the community feeling.
Development is a very important aspect for the community. NPPF clearly sets out core planning principles, but says it should be plan led thus empowering the local people to shape their surroundings. The NP is based on the HEDNA housing requirements, which show a 30% reduction on the original MBC housing numbers, thus dropping the parish requirements from 254 to 161 by 2036.
It is pleasing to see that MBC has taken the Mungee in Long Clawson out of the potential development sites, but leaving land off Sandpit Lane within the local plan is totally contrary to the NP. The NP has drawn its conclusions based on local knowledge of people on the ground not a desk top exercise. It is the communities view of where and why we want development
I whole heartedly support the NP and feel that if MBC were to go ahead and debate the Long Clawson planning applications before the NP is confirmed, it is clearly against the NPPF for the above reason and actually makes a complete mockery of producing a NP. It would also be a waste of the time, money and resources spent on producing the document from the community and the Council point of view.
I therefore wish to show support for the Clawson, Hose and Harby Neighbourhood plan.

Natural England
Thank you for consulting Natural England on the Broughton & Dalby and Clawson, Hose & Harby Neighbourhood Plans which have now been submitted to Melton Borough Council for their Regulation 16 consultations.
Natural England is a non-departmental public body. Our statutory purpose is to ensure that the natural environment is conserved, enhanced, and managed for the benefit of present and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.
Natural England does not consider that the plans will have any likely significant effects on any internationally or nationally designated nature conservation sites and welcomes their broad principles and some of their specific policy proposals. The plans are consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and set within the context of Melton Borough Council’s emerging Local Plan.

The Coal Authority
As you will be aware the Neighbourhood Plan area lies within the current defined deep coalfield. However the Neighbourhood Plan area does not contain any surface coal resources or recorded risks from past coal mining activity. Therefore The Coal Authority has no specific comments to make on the Neighbourhood Plan.