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Information Statement
Information Statement
Information Statement
Information Statement
Information Statement
Compliance Statement
GIS Data
Green Infrastructure Strategy 2024
Open Spaces Strategy and Action Plan
Open Spaces Strategy 2024
Neighbourhood Plans
Neighbourhood Plans
Council Support - Neighbourhood Plans
SEA screening toolkit
LCC Communities Support
Housing Mix and Affordable Ho...
Design of Development SPD
Developer Contributions SPD
Adopted Plan
Adopted Plan
Evidence Base
Local Plan and NP Policies
Adopted Interactive Policies Map
Main Mods
Local Plan Update
Local Plan Review and Update
Pre-Submission Local Plan Update
I&O Representations
Evidence Base (Local Plan Update)
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning
Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Approved South SN Masterplan 2020
Approved North SN Masterplan
SN 2018 Plan Evidence
Local Nature Recovery Strategy
5YHLS & housing trajectory
Self/Custom Build Register
Brownfield Register
Rural Housing Needs
Housing Delivery Test
01664 502502
Local Plan representations
This page is where you can view all the representations made for the focused changes consultation.
1. David Adams
2. Jon Alsop obo Worthearly LTD
3. Joanne Althorpe obo Laura and Sarah Fitzpatrick (1)
3. Joanne Althorpe obo Laura and Sarah Fitzpatrick (3)
5. Theatres Trust
7. Scott Bailey
9. Trena Ball
11. E L Ball
3. Joanne Althorpe obo Laura and Sarah Fitzpatrick (2)
6. Lisa Bailey
4. Caroline Anderson
8. J Ball
10. Thomas S Ball
12. Gladman
13. IBA obo Connolly Land and Developments (1)
13. IBA obo Connolly Land and Developments (2)
14. Sports England
15. Maurice Bell
16. Shout 4 Residents Attatchment
16. Shout 4 Residents
17. Simon Blake (1)
18. Nancy Blake
19. Simon Blake (2)
20. M G Blake
21. Howard Blakebrough (1)
21. Howard Blakebrough (2)
22. Carole Brown
23. Mr and Mrs Burrows
24. Leicester City
25. Lynne Camplejohn
26. Historic England (1)
26. Historic England (2)
26. Historic England (3)
26. Historic England (4)
26. Historic England (5)
26. Historic England (6)
27. Highways England
28. Caroline Chave
29. Christine Cheney
30. Leanne Chidlow
31. Gareth Chidlow
32. Rosalind Cooper
33. Anthony Cooper (1)
33. Anthony Cooper (2)
33. Anthony Cooper (3)
33. Anthony Cooper (4)
33. Anthony Cooper (5)
34. Brian Copely
35. Carl Copestake obo John Eric King (1)
35. Carl Copestake obo John Eric King (2)
36. Carl Copestake obo Knights 1759
37. Lilian Coulson obo Mr and Mrs N J Spick (1)
37. Lilian Coulson obo Mr and Mrs N J Spick (2)
38. Justin Cove obo Richborough Estates
39. Heather Cowley
40. Clawson, Hose and Harby (1)
40. Clawson, Hose and Harby (2)
41. G E Digby
42. Mary Anne Donovan (1)
42. Mary Anne Donovan (2)
42. Mary Anne Donovan (3)
42. Mary Anne Donovan (4)
43. Simon Drew
44. Stephen East
45. Gaynor East
46. Tetlow King (1)
46. Tetlow King (2)
47. Maurice Fairhurst on behalf of Joe Orson (1)
48. Margaret Fairhurst
49. Maurice Fairhurst obo George Stroud
50. Maurice Fairhurst obo Matthew Atton
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