FAQ | Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan 2024
Find answers to the following questions below:
What is the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan 2024?
Where can I see the evidence used for the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan 2024 Report?
What is the National Planning Policy Framework? What about the Planning Practice Guidance?
Is the Council consulting on anything else at the same time?
Who is conducting this Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan consultation?
Do you have any other questions? Reach out by emailing planningpolicy@melton.gov.uk.
1. What is the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan 2024?
This Green Infrastructure Strategy is an evidence-based report document produced to support the delivery of policies in the Council’s Local Plan, which is currently being updated. Policy EN3 of the Melton Local Plan requires a strategic approach to the delivery, protection and enhancement of green infrastructure.
2. Why is the Council updating the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan 2024, and why do we need one?
The current Green Infrastructure evidence for the borough is dated 2011. As the Borough of Melton grows, it is important that its green infrastructure is maintained and extended to meet people’s needs as well as supporting other objectives including nature conservation, tourism and the use and enjoyment of the countryside.
The updated strategy will benefit from being informed by and closely linked to Local Plan Update, the Melton Borough Council Open Space Strategy and Action Plan 2024, and the Leicestershire County Council new Local Nature Recovery Strategy 2024.
3. What exactly is being consulted on?
We will ask you a series of questions about your use of green infrastructure in and around the borough and your appreciation of the existing green infrastructure. We will also ask you who you think could or should be involved in green infrastructure management in the Borough of Melton. This consultation asks you about the following:
Existing green infrastructure within and around the Borough of Melton;
Your use of green infrastructure within and around the Borough of Melton;
The accessibility of green infrastructure in the Borough of Melton;
Who could or should be involved in green infrastructure management in the Borough of Melton.
4. What will happen after the consultation?
The results from this report will be taken into account as we progress into the production of the updated Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan for the Borough of Melton.
The approximate timetable is:
Consultation on Green Infrastructure Strategy: July – September 2024
Draft Green Infrastructure Strategy Report: September 2024
Finalise Green Infrastructure Strategy Report: October 2024
5. Where can I see the evidence used for the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan 2024 Report?
The Council publishes evidence here as it is produced. Any new evidence will be published on this webpage as the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan Update progresses. Some of the evidence used for the adopted Melton Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan 2011 is still relevant and is available here.
6. Does this consultation impact my planning application?
This consultation will not impact any current planning application pending consideration, nor will it change any determined planning applications.
7. Will the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan Report affect any future planning applications?
The contents of the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan Report will not immediately impact decisions about a planning application, including any planning applications that have already been submitted. This is because the consultation on the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan is part of a larger process, which includes the Local Plan Update and the Open Spaces Strategy Update. Once these are adopted (when the Updates have reached their final stage), the Updates will replace large parts of the existing Strategies and Plans. They will then have a high level of influence on planning applications that are being considered at that time. The latest plan preparation timetable (LDS) estimates adoption of the updated Local Plan in December 2025.
8. What is the National Planning Policy Framework? What about the Planning Practice Guidance?
The Government writes the National Planning Policy Framework and the Planning Practice Guidance. These include formal policies and guidance on planning matters, which must be considered when Local Plans are written and when planning applications are being decided upon. You can read the National Planning Policy Framework and the Planning Practice Guidance.
9. What about the Local Nature Recovery Strategy? How is this connected to the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan?
The Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) is being developed by Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland to protect nature and to allow for nature recovery. The LNRS does this by preserving and improving habitats and biodiversity. You can read more here about what the LNRS is and why it is important.
The Borough of Melton will be part of the LNRS under development by Leicestershire County Council, who are working closely with Leicester City Council, Rutland County Council, the seven Leicestershire district councils including Melton Borough Council, the Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, Natural England, the National Forest Company, the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and other key stakeholders. Leicestershire County Council consulted on the LNRS in May 2024, entitled ‘Making Space for Nature in Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland’.
10. Is the Council consulting on anything else at the same time?
Yes, and these other consultations are available on the main Melton Borough Council consultation page. If you want to comment on these, ensure that you do so separately.
11. Who is conducting this Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan Consultation?
This consultation is conducted by independent planning company MD2 Consulting Ltd on behalf of Melton Borough Council. MD2 Consulting Ltd is also producing the Open Space Strategy and Action Plan 2024, and previously produced the existing Open Space Strategy and Action Plan 2020 for Melton Mowbray.
12. How are we processing and protecting your data?
The consultation is anonymous and confidential. Your information will only be used by the consultation team contracted by MD2 Consulting Ltd to process the consultation on the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan 2024 for the Borough of Melton. The team will compile a publicly accessible report, which will only contain averages and anonymous responses from the consultation. Identifying you from the data will not be possible. The data will be kept 5 years from the last date of access. After this point, the data will be reviewed and either retained or destroyed. Any destruction will follow legal and funder requirements.
More information
Do you have any other questions? Reach out for further information or advice by phoning 01664 502502 or emailing planningpolicy@melton.gov.uk.