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Appendix 1

Site allocations and Policies

Ab Kettleby

The allocated site does not have any specific requirements.


One of the allocated sites in Asfordby (ASF1) has planning permission (14/00980/OUT), with a full set of conditions and S106 agreements setting out on site provisions and contributions to infrastructure etc. No site specific policies are therefore necessary on this site.

The provision of site ASF2 would likely require the expansion of the primary school. In addition, details should be submitted with any planning application for sites ASF2 showing how the noise from the bypass to the north can be mitigated sufficiently.


Site ASF3 will appear as an extension to ASF1, but due to its relative remoteness from village services and facilities, its potential impact on the existing natural environment, and its proximity to the River Wreake, will need to include specific mitigation measures for connectivity, landscaping and biodiversity.


Due to these constraints, the following policies are proposed:

Policy ASF2: Development of site ASF2 will be supported provided:

  • The proposal is sympathetic to the setting of Kirby Bellars Schedule Monument, and local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site. 

  • Applications for the development of site ASF2 shall be accompanied by a noise mitigation strategy to ensure that noise from the bypass to the north of the sites is adequately mitigated. Development on ASF2 will be supported provided the proposal is sympathetic to the setting of Kirby Bellars Scheduled Monument.


Policy ASF3: Development of site ASF3 will be supported provided that:

  • i. It includes measures to provide utility trip connectivity for walkers, cyclists and people with disabilities, to support a sustainable travel plan for the site. In particular, it should include the retention and enhancement of a link between the Public Footpath and Bridleway across the site, so that it forms an extension to the cycleway/footway link being created along Footpath H36 to this site, and links into the adjacent development on ASF1;

  • ii. The hedgerow to the west of the site is retained and enhanced by a significant landscaped buffer zone;

  • iii. The River Wreake to the south of the site is buffered from development by 20m of seminatural vegetation;

  • iv. It includes mitigation of the harm to the great crested newt population in the vicinity;

  • v. local educational capacity is available or can be created through developer contributions to meet the needs of the site

  • vi. it maintains visual links to the churches and landmarks in the surrounding area from public open space and through the development;

  • vii. development is sensitively placed along the countryside edges, and the height of the development at this location is no more than 2 storeys, to minimise the hard edge;

  • viii. it includes a high quality landscape edge to assimilate the built edge into the landscape and keep areas of openness;

  • ix. flood mitigation measures have been put in place and the drainage infrastructure is available to accommodate the surface water from this site; and

  • x. a heritage assessment is provided and suitable mitigation measures identified to conserve the setting of the nearby listed building.


Asfordby Hill

One of the allocated sites, ASFH1, has full planning permission for 15 dwellings to the northern end of the site off Glebe Road, with a full set of conditions and S106 agreement setting out on site provisions and contributions to infrastructure, etc. It is likely that further development of ASFH1 may require additional school places to be provided depending upon the local primary school capacity. Similarly, the development of ASFH2 may require additional school places.


Both sites ASFH1 and ASFH2 have the opportunity to create an improved ‘urban fringe’ between the built form of the village and the adjacent open countryside.


Due to the potential education capacity constraint, the following policies are proposed.

  • Policy ASFH1: Further development of site ASFH1 will be supported only when local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site and provided that the proposal is sympathetic to the setting of Kirby Bellars Scheduled Monument.

  • Policy ASFH2: Further development of site ASFH1 will only be supported when local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site and provided that the proposal is sympathetic to the setting of Kirby Bellars Scheduled Monument.


Policy BOT1: Development of the site reference BOT 1 will be supported provided:

  • It is ensured that no adverse impacts will affect the nearby Local Wildlife Site located in proximity to the southern boundary;

  • the footpath link through the centre of the site to Grantham Road is retained and enhanced with additional landscaping and improved boundary treatment;

  • the site can be developed as a single comprehensive development;

  • flood mitigation measures have been put in place and the drainage infrastructure is available to accommodate the surface water from this site.

Policy BOT 2: Development of the site reference BOT 2 will be supported provided:

  • The potential for contamination has been investigated and mitigation measures have been put in place;

  • flood mitigation measures have been put in place and the drainage infrastructure is available to accommodate the surface water from this site;

  • the development addresses the frontage to Grantham Road and has an active road frontage on the approach to the village;

  • the land to the southern boundary of the site is enhanced as a wildlife/biodiversity corridor and that there will be no adverse impact to any protect species;

  • the south and east boundaries are sensitively treated with the addition of ‘soft’ attractive edging, additional landscaping and sensitive boundary treatments.


Policy BOT 3: Applications for the development of site BOT 3 will be supported provided:

  • They are accompanied by a noise mitigation strategy to ensure that noise from the railway to the north of the site is adequately mitigated;

  • the land around the river corridor and railway line are is enhanced as a wildlife/biodiversity corridor and that there will be no adverse impact to any protected species;

  • flood mitigation measures have been put in place and the drainage infrastructure is available to accommodate the surface water from this site;

  • the footpath/cycling links have been put in place linking and connecting the site to the village.


Policy BOT 4 : Applications for the development of site BOT 4 will be supported provided:

  • they are accompanied by a noise mitigation strategy to ensure that noise from the railway to the south of the site is adequately mitigated.

  • a footpath link is provided linking the site to the village

  • the north, east and west boundaries are sensitively treated with the addition of soft attractive edging, additional landscaping and sensitive boundary treatments.

Croxton Kerrial

One of the allocated sites has extant planning permissions.

Policy CROX1: Development on site CROX 1 will be supported provided:

  • An area of open space is included in the development to provide a buffer from the adjacent Grade II listed building to protect its setting;

  • a heritage assessment is provided with impacts assessed and suitable mitigation measures identified. This should pay particular attention to the effect of the development proposal on the Conservation Area, Grade II Listed Windmill and potential archaeological concerns;

  • a transport statement is provided with the application, with particular reference to assessing the junction between Saltby Road and the A607 (Main Street) and its capacity to absorb additional daily vehicle movements, and any junction improvements arising;

  • a footpath is provided between the site access and Mill Lane.


Policy CROX2: Development on site CROX 2 will be supported provided:

  • Existing vegetation is retained so far as it is practicable.


Policy CROX3: Development on site CROX 3 will be supported provided:

  • Vehicular access is provided via The Nook (not the A607);

  • safe pedestrian access is provided paying due regard to the differences in site levels between the site and the carriageway;

  • proposals provide replacement car parking facilities for the Doctors Surgery;

  • proposals incorporate measures to ensure no harm/damage will be caused to the nearby SSSI.


In principle allocation EAST1 has outline planning permission, with relevant conditions setting out site provisions. No specific policies are necessary in respect of this allocation.


Both sites EAST1 and EAST2 are opposite a Scheduled Ancient Monument (list entry 1009195 shifted Medieval Village Earthworks and Moat) and Grade II listed building – Easthorpe Manor.


Policy EAST2: Development of site reference EAST 2 be supported provided:  

  • Flood mitigation measures have been put in place and the drainage infrastructure is available to accommodate the surface water from this site;

  • the four protected trees to the site frontage (Tree Preservation Order 151/904/6) are retained and suitable protection measures are put in place through the duration of the development;

  • that suitable measures are incorporated to ensure there will be no adverse impacts to protected species;

  • there is sensitive boundary treatment to the south and southwest with the additional of soft attractive edging, additional landscaping and sensitive boundary treatments;

  • that the existing frontage planting is retained and access is taken off the track between the sites EAST1 and EAST2, to safeguard the setting of the scheduled monument to the north

Frisby on the Wreake

FRIS 1 has been granted outline planning permission (16/00491/OUT), and planning applications have been submitted for sites FRIS2 and FRIS3 although these are yet to be determined.


Policy FRIS2: Development at FRIS2 will be supported provided:

  • It is demonstrated by means of a noise assessment that noise from the railway to the north of the sites can be adequately mitigated;

  • local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site;

  • flood mitigation measures have been put in place and the drainage infrastructure is available to accommodate the surface water from this site.

  • the design, scale, layout and boundary treatment of any reserved matters application must conserve and enhance heritage assets, including the Conservation Area and the Grade I Listed Church of St Thomas of Canterbury.


Policy FRIS3: development at FRIS3 will be supported provided:

  • Local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site;

  • provision is made within the boundaries of the site for the expansion of the adjacent primary school

  • the design, scale, layout and boundary treatment of any reserved matters application must conserve and enhance heritage assets, including the Conservation Area and the Grade I Listed Church of St Thomas of Canterbury.


Site GADD1 benefits from an extant outline planning permission (15/00361/OUT).


GADD3 and GADD2: Further development of site GADD3 and GADD2 will be supported only when local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site.

Great Dalby

Considering the access and heritage constraints, following policy for Great Dalby is proposed.


Policy GREA1: Development of site GREA1 will be supported provided:

  • The proposal includes the suitably designed access in accordance and agreement with the Highways 6Cs design guide;

  • local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site;

  • the future development is sympathetic and limits the impact on the Conservation Area through appropriate choice of materials and high quality, well considered design;

  • development proposals for the site should not facilitate additional housing or other development in the remainder of the open land that forms part of the Conservation Area between Burrough End and Nether End, and the scheme should be designed appropriately to enclose the site.


Allocation HAR1 has outline planning permission, with relevant conditions and a S106 agreement setting out site provision and contributions to infrastructure etc. (15/00942/OUT). No specific policies are necessary in respect of this allocation.


The allocated site HAR2 has planning permission, with a full set of conditions and S106 agreement setting out on site provisions and contributions to infrastructure, etc. (15/00933/FUL). No specific policies are necessary in respect of this allocation.


Policy HAR 3: Development of site reference HAR 3 will be supported provided:

  • The development addresses the frontage to Colston Lane and has an active road frontage on the approach to the village;

  • the west and northern edges of the site are enhanced as a wildlife corridor with biodiversity improvements and that there will be no adverse impact to any protect species;

  • footpath/cycling links have been put in place linking and connecting the site to the village;

  • the northern and western boundaries are sensitively treated with the addition of soft attractive edging, additional landscaping and sensitive boundary treatments, particularly along the canal corridor.  


Policy HAR 4: development of site reference HAR 4 will be supported provided:

  • The development addresses the frontage to Colston Lane and has an active road frontage on the approach to the village;

  • there are biodiversity/ecology improvements within the site and there will be no adverse impacts to any protected species;

  • a footpath link has been put in place linking the site to the village;

  • the northern and western boundaries are sensitively treated with the addition of attractive edging, additional landscaping and sensitive and improved boundary treatments.


In principle allocation HOS1 has received a resolution to grant outline planning permission, with relevant conditions and a S106 agreement setting out site provision and contributions to infrastructure, etc. No specific policies are necessary in respect of this allocation.

Policy HOS2: Development of the site reference HOS2 will be supported provided:

  • The northern boundary of the site provides an adequate buffer with soft landscaping and suitable boundary treatment to respect the adjacent open countryside and Scheduled Monument to the north.

Long Clawson

In principle allocation LONG1 has outline planning permission, with relevant conditions and a S106 agreement setting out site provision and contributions to infrastructure, etc. No specific policies are necessary in respect of this allocation.


Due to the lack of current capacity at Long Clawson primary school, a policy is required to expand capacity if development is to take place. There continues to be evidence that surface water drainage needs to be addressed before further sites are developed. Allocations LONG3, LONG4 and LONG5 require sensitive boundary treatment to assimilate these developments into the landscape and mitigate any impact:


Policy LONG2: Development of sites LONG2 will be supported provided: 

  • Local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site;

  • the new development is sympathetic to the landscape character.


Policy LONG3: Development of sites LONG3 will be supported provided:

  • Local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site;

  • drainage infrastructure is available to accommodate the surface water from these sites without causing or exacerbating flooding elsewhere;

  • that substantial boundary landscaping and screening is provided and that all existing boundary hedges and trees are retained.

Policy LONG4: Development of site LONG4 will be supported provided:

  • Local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site;

  • drainage infrastructure is available to accommodate the surface water from these sites without causing or exacerbating flooding elsewhere;

  • that substantial boundary landscaping and screening is provided and that all existing boundary hedges and trees are retained.

Melton Mowbray

Policy MEL General: Development proposals on allocated sites in Melton Mowbray for more than 50 dwellings will be supported provided:

  • Impacts on local education facilities and National Health Service provision can be addressed through developer contributions;

  • applications on allocated sites for more than 50 dwellings are supported by appropriate Transport Assessments identifying the impacts upon the existing highways infrastructure and make a contribution to the Melton Mowbray Transport Strategy commensurate to their impact, and provide for mitigation in relation to the shorter term impacts identified.

Policy MEL1: Development of site MEL1 will be supported provided:

  • The layout, scale and density do not to erode the settlement’s relationship to the surrounding landscape taking into account the sloping topography;

  • mitigation measures against flood risk are provided, due its proximity to the Scalford Brook;

  • development of the site retains, where possible, the vegetation screen off Nottingham Road.


Policy MEL2: Development will be supported providing the existing pre-school is relocated and would not result in the loss of the facility.

Policy MEL3: Development proposals will be supported provided:

  • they are supported with an appropriate Heritage Assessment identifying the significance of the designated Heritage Asset and provide appropriate mitigation (in consultation with Historic England);


Policy MEL4: Development proposals will be supported provided no development takes place within 100m of the eastern boundary of the Scheduled Monument.


Policy MEL5: Development proposals will be supported provided:

  • The existing trees (TPO) to the front of the site are retained, unless their loss is justified in terms of providing a better design outcome for the site and replanting is proposed.


Policy MEL6: Development proposals will be supported provided:

  • The site is developed as a single comprehensive development. 


Policy MEL7: Development proposals will be supported provided:

  • the former Work House and Vagrant Cells buildings are retained. Any loss of the buildings will be required to be fully justified and viability appraisal will be required to support any proposal requiring demolition of the buildings of local interest.

  • A Transport Assessment is provided, identifying the impacts upon the existing highways infrastructure, in particular the junction with Thorpe Road/Wilton Road, and where required, provide for mitigation in proportion to the impacts identified;

  • The layout and density responds to the local character and provides opportunities for landscape enhancements along the site frontage with Thorpe Road.

  • flood mitigation measures have been put in place and the drainage infrastructure is available to accommodate the surface water from this site


Policy MEL8: Development proposals will be supported provided:

  • The redevelopment comprises the conversion of the existing buildings. Any loss of the buildings will be required to be fully justified and viability appraisal will be required to support any proposal requiring demolition of the buildings of local interest;

  • proposals requiring demolition are supported with a full method statement identifying how the demolition will take place and how the waste material will be taken off the site without compromising neighbouring land uses;

  • flood mitigation measures are incorporated into the design and layout.


Policy MEL9: Development proposals will be supported provided:

  • Noise impacts resulting from the adjacent land uses are assessed and where impacts identified appropriate mitigation is provided;

  • development proposals are no greater than 2 storey in scale, taking into account the layout and form of the residential development to the north.

Policy MEL10: Development proposals will be supported provided:

  • they respond to the edge of settlement location and provide an active street frontage along Horseguard’s Way, responding to the local character in scale and massing.

  • They retain, where possible, the vegetation screen off St Bartholomew’s Way.

  • Noise impacts resulting from the HGV traffic along St Bartholomew’s Way are assessed and where impacts identified, appropriate mitigation provided.


Policy MEL11: Development proposals will be supported provided:

  • Provision is made for the existing employment use to be relocated or trading has ceased;

  • a master plan of the whole site is provided;

  • a ‘Green Corridor’ linking to the Country Park to the north of the site is incorporated into the design of the redevelopment;

  • a mix of housing and employment use appropriate to the location will be favoured;

  • noise impacts resulting from the adjacent land uses are assessed and where impacts identified appropriate mitigation is provided;

  • flood mitigation is provided;

  • a contaminated land and remediation strategy is provided;  

  • a Transport Assessment is provided identifying the impacts upon the existing highways infrastructure, in particular the junction to Snow Hill/Norman Way and the junctions at A607 Thorpe End and A607 Scalford Road and A606/A607 (Leicester/Nottingham) and where required provide for mitigation in proportion to the impacts identified.

Old Dalby

The allocated sites in Old Dalby have planning permission, each with a full set of conditions and s106 agreements setting out on site provisions and contributions to infrastructure etc.


No specific policies are therefore necessary. The ‘reserve site’ requires careful management to ensure its environmental qualities are retained.


Policy OLD 2: development of site reference OLD 2 will be supported provided:

  • The existing boundary trees and hedges are retained except as required to allow access.



Considering the heritage constraints and the availability constraints, the following policy for Scalford is proposed.


Policy SCAL1: Development of site SCAL1 will be supported provided:

  • the proposed scheme is sympathetic and limits the impact on the Conservation Area as well as the Listed Building setting through appropriate choice of materials and high quality, well considered design, to lessen the severity of transition.

  • Development shall respect the setting of the Grade II* listed church of St Egelwin the Martyr, in particular the views on the principal highway approach from the west. Any development shall be informed by pre-determination archaeological investigation such that earthwork and buried remains (HER reference MLE23135) within the allocation area can be treated in the planning process in a manner proportionate to their importance both in their own right and as setting to the church.


Policy SOM1: Development of the site reference SOM1 will be supported provided:

  • It is demonstrated that there are no adverse impacts to any protected species, or that such impacts can be adequately mitigated;

  • it is demonstrated that flooding mitigation measures will be deployed and the site can be adequately drained without resulting in adverse impacts on flooding elsewhere;

  • local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site.

  • Impact of development on the Conservation Area together with other heritage assets is assessed and considered reasonably to ensure suitable protection of the historic environment.


Policy SOM2: Development of the site reference SOM2 will be supported provided:

  • Access is provided via High Street only;

  • the existing play area is relocated and enhanced as an integral part of the development;

  • residential development is concentrated in the north section of the site, close to High St.;

  • local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site;

  • a heritage assessment is provided. Particular attention should be paid to the design, layout, materials and sitting of buildings, with particular attention to the relationship of the proposed development and the Somerby conservation area and its setting.

  • The biodiversity and recreational value of the Jubilee Way GIC will be enhanced through careful design, landscaping and layout of development of the site to protect a corridor of green infrastructure, in accordance with

  • Policy EN3 of this Plan, and as indicated as an ‘enhancement area’ on the Policies Map.


Policy SOM3: Development of the site reference SOM3 will be supported provided:

  • Local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site;

  • a heritage assessment is provided with impacts assessed and suitable mitigation measures identified. This should pay particular attention to the effect of the development proposal on the Conservation Area, the setting of adjacent listed buildings and potential archaeological interests.


One of the allocated sites has extant planning permissions.


Policy STAT 1: Development of the site reference STAT1 will be supported provided:

  • Flood mitigation measures have been put in place and the drainage infrastructure is available to accommodate the surface water from this site;

  • the scheme is designed to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the settlement when approaching Stathern from Mill Hill. This is to include an acceptable landscaping scheme along with a sensitively designed layout which is not driven by the objective of maximising density. Development would be highly visible from the descent at the top of Mill Hill and will need to provide open green areas and tree belts to break up and limit the visual impact of any new built development.


Policy STAT 2: Development of the site reference STAT2 will be supported provided:

  • The development is low density and reflects the character of the Conservation Area;

  • there is sensitive boundary treatment to the western and northern boundary with the additional of soft attractive edging, additional landscaping and sensitive boundary treatments;

  • it is demonstrated that there are no adverse impacts to any protected species, or that such impacts can be adequately mitigated

Thorpe Arnold 

The allocated site does not have any relevant planning history.


Policy THOR1: Development of the site reference THOR1 will be supported provided:

  • Footways are provided to ensure a safe pedestrian access from the development into the village;

  • a comprehensive landscape scheme, providing substantial boundary landscaping and screening to mitigate impacts of the development when viewed from the open countryside, is provided;

  • biodiversity enhancements are provided within the site to mitigate any loss of habitat as a result of loss of hedgerows/trees; 

  • local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site;

  • The development will conserve and enhance heritage assets, including the Grade 2* St. Mary the Virgin Church.

Policy THOR2: Development of the site reference THOR2 will be supported provided:

  • Footways are provided to ensure a safe pedestrian access from the development into the village;

  • a comprehensive landscape scheme, providing substantial boundary landscaping and screening to mitigate impacts of the development when viewed from the open countryside, is provided;

  • biodiversity enhancements are provided within the site to mitigate any loss of habitat as a result of loss of hedgerows/trees;

  • local educational capacity is available, or can be created through developer contributions, to meet the needs of the site.

Waltham on the Wolds

In principle allocation WAL1 has planning permission, with relevant conditions and a S106 agreement setting out site provision and contributions to infrastructure etc.


Policy WAL2: Development of the site reference WAL2 will be supported provided:

  • The layout takes into consideration the two public footpaths E99 and F1 that cross the site and secure the connectivity to the wider public footpath network;

  • mitigation is provided for the Great Crested Newts occupying the ponds at the site. Compensation for loss of habitats will be required and biodiversity enhancements incorporated into the final layout and design;

  • appropriate flood and drainage assessments proposing mitigation effective to deal with the scale of the impacts identified;

  • the development will conserve and enhance heritage assets, including the Conservation Area to the north.

Policy WAL3 (reserved site): Development of the site reference WAL3 will be supported provided:

  • Only part of the site is suitable for development, to a scale appropriate to compensate for the non-delivery of the allocated sites only;

  • appropriate flood and drainage assessments proposing mitigation effective to deal with the scale of the impacts identified;

  • biodiversity enhancements are identified and provided with proposals.


One of the recommended allocated sites (WYM1) has a recent grant of outline planning permission with conditions and 106 and thus does not require site specific policies. Some of the sites promoters have worked with both the Borough Council and Neighbourhood Plan Group to provide information relevant to the sites’ deliverability.


Policy WYM2: Development of the site reference WYM2 will be supported provided:

  • The site is developed as a single, comprehensive development. The north part of the site should only be developed after the south part (under no circumstances should the Northern landownership be developed in isolation).

Policy WYM3: Development of the site reference WYM3 will be supported provided:

  • Access to the site to be gained from Main Street through additional land in applicants;

  • Appropriate flood and drainage assessments proposing mitigation effective to deal with the scale of the impacts are identified.

Ab Kettleby
Asfordby Hill
Croxton Kerrial
Frisby on the Wreake
Great Dalby
Long Clawson
Melton Mowbray
Old Dalby
Thorpe Arnold
Waltham on the Wolds
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