Authority Monitoring Report 2019
The Melton Authority Monitoring Report 2019 (AMR) provides information related to the implementation of the planning policy. It gives interested parties an objective insight into how the policies have been and are expected to be performing. It also helps the Council to identify and address any potential issues that may prevent policy targets being met.
The AMR sits alongside the Melton Local Plan, and fulfills the legal requirement to publish data on planning matters annually, so that the public, developers and landowners can understand how successful Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan policies are being. Therefore the AMR will establish the trends associated with each indicator and how this relates to the performance of the Local Plan or the baseline figure.
The AMR also reports on the progress in preparing and reviewing local planning policy docs, such as the Melton Local Plan and Supplementary Planning Documents, and records how we are co-operating with others on strategic or cross boundary planning matters.
The majority of the data recorded within this AMR is for the yearly period between 1st April 2018 - 31st March 2019, although some sections do contain data outside of these dates; for specific information on when data was collated please refer to each document.
How to navigate and updating procedure
The different contents of the AMR 2019 can be viewed by clicking the relevant links below.
If you would like to view the previous AMR please click here
If a user considers that the AMR is missing some relevant information or would like to provide some feedback to the department, please send an e-mail to