Nether Broughton & Old Dalby Regulation 16 Responses

Daniel Wade (resident)
The evidence base for consultation is biased by the fact the Vocaleyes Consultation results are very much misrepresented. The NPAC Chair and his wife made almost 30% of the comments and ideas, alone. The housing chapter was re written by the Chair of the PC and the Chair of the NPAC due to those two not approving the results of the Housing Theme Group. This has resulted in no real plan for the future but rather an attempt to ring fence the existing settlement from any expansion or development of local services. However the Borough Council could have been more forthcoming with regards to the Six Hills proposals, so that the much bigger picture could have been incorporated and worked into the plan. In light of the Six Hills proposals the NPAC for Broughton and Old Dalby should be restarted with the Vocaleyes forum being re run, if each user is given an id to identify those who over comment on particular ideas, giving the impression that a lot of people are against something or lots of people are for something. In the village hall open days photos were taken of the pin boards and these probably give a much broader view of residents. I.e. There was a lot of support for social rent housing however this hasn't been shown within the published plan to date. There is also no consideration for the future of electric cars and the fact that these cars are almost silent. The Parish has many roads with no footpaths and very little street lighting. How are the ever growing elderly population going to adapt to these factors when walking along the carriageway in the same direction as an electric car when one comes from behind. Or even children playing in the road. These points should be addressed in a well researched and realistic plan for the next 20 yrs.

Natural England
Thank you for consulting Natural England on the Broughton & Dalby and Clawson, Hose & Harby Neighbourhood Plans which have now been submitted to Melton Borough Council for their Regulation 16 consultations.
Natural England is a non-departmental public body. Our statutory purpose is to ensure that the natural environment is conserved, enhanced, and managed for the benefit of present and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.
Natural England does not consider that the plans will have any likely significant effects on any internationally or nationally designated nature conservation sites and welcomes their broad principles and some of their specific policy proposals. The plans are consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and set within the context of Melton Borough Council’s emerging Local Plan.
We would be happy to comment further should the need arise but if in the meantime you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
For any queries relating to the specific advice in this letter only please contact me on 02080261940. For any new consultations, or to provide further information on this consultation please send your correspondences to consultations@naturalengland.org.uk.

Network Rail
Ref – Broughton and Old Dalby Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Thank you for your email of 20 July 2017 providing Network Rail with an opportunity to comment on the abovementioned Neighbourhood Plan. With reference to the protection of the railway, Network Rail has only one observation to make. We wish to place an objection to the proposed Plan Policy BE4. We consider the policy is worded too rigidly in terms of the future requirements of the test track facility that runs through the area. The test track and associated Melton Rail and Innovation Development Centre is a live operational testing and trialling facility and is a strategically important site for the wider UK rail industry. It is both a key part of existing UK rail testing facilities and also part of a new network of centres called the UK Rail Research and Innovation Network to be launched shortly. The site provides a safe operational non-mainline environment for the testing and trialling of new and modified rolling stock, plant, on-track machines, infrastructure, equipment and technology. It is also of significant importance to the local economy.
It is also consistent with the National Planning Policy Guidance, including the need to contribute to building a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right type is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth and innovation; and by identifying and coordinating development requirements, including the provision of infrastructure.
It is imperative that the test track and Melton RIDC are able to develop in line with future demand for the services that it offers the UK rail industry and with this in mind, we feel that the wording of policy BE4 is too inflexible in relation to the proposed blanket ban on any extension of operating hours as this may inhibit future development of the site. We also consider the second element of the policy is slightly confusing as written and we suggest a small alteration to remove the implied negative in relation to future passenger services.
We would suggest that the policy is reworded as follows;
POLICY BE4: Old Dalby Test Track
Proposals for the testing of trains and railway equipment will be supported provided any noise, dust, fumes or other disturbance, including light, does not give rise to significant adverse impacts on health and quality of life.
Any alteration to extend the operating hours will be carefully considered subject to its effect on the impacts on health and quality of life as outlined above.
The Plan will not support any proposals that may adversely impact the integrity and infrastructure of the test track and therefore threaten its potential future use for passenger services. However, should the line completely cease being used for rail purposes the Plan supports its re-use as a footpath, cycleway or for public transport uses.

Anglian Water
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Nether Broughton & Dalby and Long Clawson, Hose
and Harby Neighbourhood Plan (regulation 16) consultations. The following comments are submitted on
behalf of Anglian Water. I would be grateful if you could confirm that you have received this response.
It would appear that the above Parishes are located outside of our area of responsibility. Therefore we
have no comments relating to the Neighbourhood Plans.