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Evidence: Economy

The documents listed below are those that the Council has published as being relevant to the preparation of the local plan, in accordance with Regulation 17(e) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) England Regulations 2012.

Documents that were published after the Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan was published and at/before the Addendum of Focused Changes consultation are indicated with an asterisk*.

Those published at submission to provide a full record of processes are indicated with a double asterisk**.

Those published after submission are indicated with a triple asterisk ***.

Documents: click to download


MBC/EC1a.Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Economic Plan 2014-2020, Leicester and Leicestershire LEP, March 2014


MBC/EC1b. Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Economic Plan, 2014-2020: Executive Summary, Leicester and Leicestershire LEP, March 2014


MBC/EC2. Leicestershire Rural Economy Evidence Base, Rose Regeneration, June 2014


MBC/EC3. Melton Economic Development Strategy, 2015-2020, MBC & Melton Community Partnership, 2015


MBC/EC4. Melton Economic Growth Plan, MBC 2015


MBC/EC5. Melton Growth and Prosperity Plan 2018-2022, MBC, 2018

Employment Land


MBC/EL1. Leicester and Leicestershire HMA Employment Land Study, PACEC, 2012


MBC/EL2. Melton Employment Land Study Final Report (including Appendices), BE Group, 2015

MBC/EL3. Major Employment Sites: Potential Use of Holwell Works and Asfordby Business Park, Roger Tym & Partners, 2009

MBC/EL4. Melton Mowbray Employment Growth Area Delivery Statement Final Report, Paul McKim Consulting Ltd,  2012

Town Centres and Retailing

MBC/TCR1a. Melton Retail Study 2015, Volume 1 , Peter Brett Associates, 2015


MBC/TCR1b. Melton Retail Study 2015, Volume 2: Appendices, Peter Brett Associates, 2015


MBC/TCR1c. Melton Retail Study 2015, Volume 3: NEMS Household Survey Results, Peter Brett Associates, 2015

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